08:00 | Registration |
08:45 | Conference Opening Society for the Advancement of Applied Computer Science, GFaI | Christof Puhle | | |
09:00 - 12:00 | | Christof Puhle | | |
09:00 | High-resolution CLEAN-SC PSA3, Wezep, Netherlands | Pieter Sijtsma | BeBeC-2016-S1 |  |
09:30 | Cross spectral matrix diagonal optimization OptiNav Inc. - University of Washington, Bellevue, USA | Robert Dougherty | BeBeC-2016-S2 |  |
10:00 | Modeling beamformers in refractive media Exact Solution Scientific Consulting LLC, Dover, USA | David Bergman | BeBeC-2016-S3 |  |
10:30 | Tea/Coffee break |
11:00 | A generic approach to synthesize optimal array microphone arrangements BTU Cottbus - Senftenberg, Germany | Ennes Sarradj | BeBeC-2016-S4 |  |
11:30 | Improving beamforming by optimization of acoustic array microphone positions Delft University of Technology, Netherlands | Anwar Malgoezar | BeBeC-2016-S5 |  |
12:00 | Lunch break |
13:30 - 17:30 | | Gunnar Heilmann | | |
13:30 | Effects of array scaling and advanced beamforming on the angular resolution of microphone array systems Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA | Matthew Aldeman | BeBeC-2016-D1 |  |
14:00 | Reduction of the hydrodynamic noise on a beamforming array University of Bristol, UK | Máté Szöke | BeBeC-2016-D2 |  |
14:30 | Application of a phase and amplitude gradient estimator to intensity-based laboratory-scale jet noise source characterization Brigham Young University, Provo, USA | Kent L. Gee | BeBeC-2016-D3 |  |
15:00 | Time-domain imaging techniques for aeroacoustic sources Institut PPRIME - CNRS - University of Poitiers, France | Vincent Valeau | BeBeC-2016-D4 |  |
15:30 | Tea/Coffee break |
16:00 | A unified formalism for acoustic imaging techniques: illustrations in the frame of a didactic numerical benchmark LVA, INSA - Lyon, France | Quentin Leclere | BeBeC-2016-D5 |  |
16:30 | Analysis of sound field variations in concert halls via visualization and objective parameter comparison GFaI, Berlin, Germany | Sébastien Barré | BeBeC-2016-D6 |  |
17:00 | Simulation, visualization and perception of sound in a real and virtual vehicle interior using beamforming University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA | Mojtaba Navvab | BeBeC-2016-D7 |  |
18:00 | Conference dinner - Guided tour of the historic wind tunnels |
19:30 | Conference dinner |